Polistic Way

Polistic is Pole Yoga plus a holistic lifestyle.

This life-enhancing 52 day course leads the poler through a Holistic approach to living a new day, every day!

Do you have back pain, poor self-image, or lack of confidence?

Is one area of your life on point, but others parts are in disarray?

Polistic Way is here to help balance all aspects of your life; Physical, Sexual, Financial, Spiritual, Mental, and Emotional.

Often times people hit their glass ceiling on the path to success and just a little tweaking can help them break through and find a NEW Day awaiting!

Become an insider and get in on this new way to enhance your overall well-being and get in the best shape of your life in every aspect!

Polistic Way

Heal your mind, body and connect with your spirit to open the door for a new day.

Increase confidence, creativity and connection!

Less back pain

Greater posture

More upper body strength

Deeper sexual connection

Balanced emotions

Positive mindset



I broke my back and developed wrist injuries from being a massage therapist. With 30 minutes of Polistic Yoga I am pain free in my back and my wrists!

All body workers need Polistic Yoga. I have found more creativity and the strength to regain my freedom!


I am a busy hair stylist and homeschool my kids. Polisitc has given me the much-needed stretch and motivation I was needing! Every mom should have a Yoga Pole and be in the Polistic Yoga Academy!


I have tried all kinds of Yoga, but nothing can compare to Polistic Yoga. The poles helps you go deeper in the poses. I am a realtor and after going to Costa Rica with Jennifer, my spiritual gifts were awakened, now I help other people break free of self limits. Polistic helps me stay grounded in alignment!

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Your community is here

One important aspect of health is community.

Polistic has a worldwide community of polers to support and cheer you on.

Gain the inspiration and support you desire to look and feel your best!

Outsiders often feel left out, and alone.

Become an insider today and get in on the fastest-growing online community.